Chronic back pain is one of the most common causes of disability worldwide. Also, back pain may disrupt your daily activities and reduce your quality of life. If you are experiencing chronic back pain, the thought of undergoing surgery can be overwhelming. Fortunately, a minimally invasive Back spine may provide relief without the prolonged recovery time and scars associated with traditional open back surgery. Minimally invasive back spine surgery Savannah is an option worth considering for those looking to manage their back pain.

Here are reasons to consider minimally invasive back surgery.

Smaller incision

Traditional open surgery for back surgery needs a long incision, usually five to six inches long. The required incision size may be significantly higher in some situations, such as a multi-level fusion. In contrast, minimally invasive surgery only requires a considerably tiny incision. Occasionally a millimeter or less. This is made feasible by imaging technologies, specialized equipment, and muscle-saving strategies that enable surgeons to access the operative region without completely opening up the back. Smaller incisions result in scarring and faster healing.

Quick recovery time

Minimally invasive back surgery uses small incisions and specialized surgical instruments, resulting in less tissue damage and a shorter recovery time than traditional open back surgery. With a minimally invasive procedure, you can expect to go home the same day, start physical therapy within a few days, and return to work and normal activities within two to six weeks.

Shorter hospital stay

Minimally invasive back surgery typically requires a shorter hospital stay compared to traditional open back surgery. Once stabilized, you can be discharged the same day after minimally invasive back surgery since it enables patients to walk within just a few hours. This implies that you can start the healing process in your home rather than spending one or more nights in a hospital. Even when back surgery necessitates an overnight stay, less invasive methods may still result in faster hospital stays and less difficult recovery.

Reduced pain

Minimally invasive back surgery causes less tissue damage, which means less pain and a lower risk of postoperative complications. Additionally,  minimally invasive back surgery can be performed under local or spinal anesthesia, which reduces the need for general anesthesia and minimizes postoperative pain.

Lower risk of complications

Because minimally invasive back surgery is less invasive, there is a lower risk of complications such as infections, bleeding, and nerve damage. Additionally, the smaller incisions and less tissue disruption result in a quicker recovery time and a reduced risk of postoperative complications.

Better outcomes

Minimally invasive back surgery can achieve the same outcomes as traditional open back surgery but with fewer complications and a shorter recovery time. This means you can expect to experience improved mobility, reduced pain, and a better quality of life after minimally invasive back surgery.

Improve your future outlook

Your back discomfort may have prevented you from achieving your goals and ambitions, but when it goes away, freedom is waiting. After minimally invasive back surgery, you may return to your favorite activities with renewed vigor, enroll in school again, get a new job, or begin a new hobby. You may resume enjoying life after the nagging chronic pain is gone.

Minimally invasive back surgery is a safe, effective, and advanced surgical option that can relieve chronic back pain and improve your quality of life. Call Spine Center Atlanta to book your appointment for minimally invasive back surgery to relieve your back pain.