Respiratory endoscopic procedures diagnose and treat various conditions affecting your respiratory tract. They are often necessary when you suspect your airway may be compromised. They can also diagnose and treat certain health conditions, such as sinusitis or lung cancer. Endoscopic procedures can be uncomfortable and painful. As a result, you may need to spend time in the operating room or hospital recovery area after the procedure. Due to their complex nature, they are often expensive, which may require you to plan financially. To eliminate respiratory tract infections and relieve symptoms, visit the EUS Pineville endoscopy center for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Below are five respiratory endoscopic techniques that can diagnose various diseases and conditions affecting your airways.

  1. Bronchoscopy

Bronchoscopy is a procedure that helps examine your airways and lungs. It diagnoses and treats lung cancer but can also help detect and remove tumors or polyps. Bronchoscopy uses rigid and flexible bronchoscopes with a light source and camera at one end. 

These instruments help detect blockage in your airways and bleeding in your lungs. However, the rigid bronchoscope requires general anesthesia to thread into your mouth or nose. Your doctor uses a bronchoscope compatible with color video for a more effective diagnosis. 

  1. Laryngoscopy

A laryngoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to observe your larynx and throat. The larynx is located just above your trachea. It contains your vocal cords and folds that vibrate and produce sound, allowing you to speak. Therefore, it is important to keep healthy and functional. An ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist often perform a laryngoscopy. During the procedure, they will insert a laryngoscope into your mouth to have a close-up view of your throat and voice box.

  1. Bronchial Thermoplasty 

Bronchial thermoplasty is an endoscopic procedure that uses laser energy to treat severe asthma conditions. It shrinks the smooth muscles in your lungs, preventing them from tightening and causing an asthma attack. The procedure is minimally invasive and performed by a pulmonologist in an outpatient setting. 

During the procedure, your pulmonologist inserts a bronchoscope with a catheter through your nose or mouth into your lungs. The catheter helps to deliver the laser energy into the smooth muscles in your lungs.

  1. Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS)

Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) is an endoscopy that uses ultrasound to guide a needle into your lung. It can diagnose lung cancer and other conditions, such as pneumonia or asthma. EBUS also helps doctors perform biopsies and other procedures on patients’ lungs. 

In some cases, EBUS may help to drain fluid or blood in your lungs, meaning you will not need an open surgical procedure like thoracotomy for lobectomy. Since EBUS is a minimally invasive procedure, you might not experience pain during the procedure. However, you may feel a slight discomfort in your throat afterward that will be short-lived

  1. Mediastinoscopy With Biopsy

A mediastinoscopy with biopsy is an endoscopic thoracic procedure that helps detect cancer in your lymph nodes. It involves collecting samples of your lymph nodes, also known as biopsies, and assessing them in a medical laboratory. During the procedure, your doctor makes a tiny incision in your throat and inserts an instrument known as a mediastinoscope.

Afterward, they direct it under your sternum into your mediastinum, the area between your lungs. If your doctor detects swollen lymph nodes, they collect one or more tissue samples for proper lab analysis. 

Respiratory endoscopic procedures are typically less invasive and provide a better outcome with less pain after treatment. They can help investigate, diagnose, or treat various health conditions affecting your respiratory tract. 

They also have a low risk of complications, meaning you can return home just a few hours after the procedure. However, you may need ample rest for the rest of the day to allow your body to recover from the endoscopy. It is also important to note that you may experience common side effects such as sore throat and mild chest pain. However, these symptoms often resolve quickly.