Your knees do so much for you daily in terms of mobility and support that even terming them key joints seems an understatement. Unfortunately, like any other body part, they are susceptible to injury and damage from trauma, overuse, health disorders, and many more. Issues in one of these major joints could be severe, disrupting your everyday routine and affecting your range of motion. Thus, to ensure you restore optimal functionality, it is important to recognize the underlying concern and address it effectively. One of the most prevalent issues, particularly if you are physically active, is anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) damage.

Nonetheless, not many recognize the warning signs of an ACL tear. To help with this, Bayonne ACL tear specialist Dr. James M. Lee, Jr. discusses some common signs and symptoms of this concern. Read on to learn more.

  1.     You Feel Or Hear A ‘Popping’ Sound  

Experiencing a knee ‘pop’ is typical. In fact, approximately 70% of ACL-injured patients will report a popping feeling, and most will also hear it. Particularly with deceleration damage, this ‘pop’ should be rather alarming. As the ligament degrades, athletes can experience a shifting feeling or a weakening of their grip. Some people report that their knee buckles from underneath as they attempt to move about or bear weight.

  1.     Sudden Inflammation

Within several hours following an ACL injury, fast inflammation often results from the rupture of blood vessels inside the ligament, which results in bleeding. Associated problems with the ACL, including meniscus injury or bone contusions, could also cause inflammation. As blood accumulates in the knee, it could swell and tighten considerably.

  1.     Pain

Experiencing knee discomfort is a typical indicator that something is amiss. In the event of a torn ACL, the discomfort is generated by the burst blood vessels that enlarge the joint area. Based on the extent of the injury, the type of discomfort associated with an ACL rupture might differ. Total ACL rips are typically regarded as excruciatingly painful.

  1.     Knee Instability

Suppose you sustain a knee injury and endure the early discomfort and inflammation without therapy. In that case, you may resume your preferred activity only to discover that your knee has become less dependable. There are two cruciate ligaments in every knee (anterior and posterior), forming an inverted X within the knee. These ligaments are part of the broader soft tissue system that provides knee stability.

Your ACL allows your knee to move back and forth, offers rotational stability, and keeps the tibia from slipping past the femur. If you have unrepaired ACL damage, your knee will be less secure and more likely to ‘give out.’

  1.     Reduced Joint Movement

Following an ACL tear, the inflammation inside the joint will make it hard to flex the joint appropriately. Not only will your knee’s mobility shrink substantially, but it will also be hard to shift your lower leg underneath the knee. This concern, paired with joint instability, means walking without a supporting stick, crutches, or a walker is extremely difficult.

Do not delay seeking medical attention if you recognize these signs and symptoms. If you do not receive the necessary therapy for an ACL tear, you risk future knee injury, for instance, to your meniscus. Orthopedic specialist Dr. James M. Lee, Jr., addresses common ACL tear concerns with various conservative and invasive approaches, including physical therapy, rest, and surgery, based on your unique circumstances. To get back on the path to excellent knee health, schedule a consultation today through mobile or book online.