It is always a dream of most women to have their own children. However, that can become challenging if you are unable to conceive. Fertility medications play a significant role in infertility treatments, whether in vitro fertilization or other assisted reproductive technologies. Many women are effectively treated with fertility drugs alone. These drugs trigger the ovaries to produce mature ova and prepare the body for pregnancy. The board-certified physicians at the Center for Reproductive Medicine offer successful fertility medication Celebration prescriptions to women dealing with infertility issues. Here is an exclusive guide on the different fertility drugs.

Clomiphene Citrate

Also known as Serophene or Clomid, this is a common oral medication used for inducing ovulation due to its minimal side effects. It works by stimulating your body to generate more follicle-stimulating hormones. This medication offers an eight percent probability of multiple gestations, mostly twins.


These injectable fertility drugs stimulate your ovaries to grow and release mature ova. Gonadotropins such as Follistim, Bravelle, and Gonal-F consist of highly purified follicle-stimulating hormones that simultaneously trigger the ovaries to mature multiple eggs. They are mostly used to induce ovulation during Vitro fertilization. 


Letrozole, also referred to as Femara, is an oral ovulation-inducing agent that works on your ovaries directly. The drug has fewer side effects than clomiphene citrate and has lower chances for multiple gestations.

Human Menopausal Gonadotropin

 Commonly referred to as Menopur or Repronex, this fertility drug consists of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is an injectable fertility medication effective in inducing ovulation during or out of IVF settings.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

hCG is a hormone often released after the embryo’s implantation on the uterine line. However, the hormone has similar effects to the luteinizing hormone, stimulating final maturation and releasing ova from the ovary. The hCG drug known as Ovidrel is administered together with other fertility drugs to stimulate ovulation. However, it is important to note that pregnancy tests function by detecting this hormone. Therefore, your home pregnancy testing kit might give false positive results by detecting the hCG in the drug. Only a laboratory test can confirm you are pregnant if you are on this drug.


Progesterone is a hormone produced to support pregnancy. Without this hormone, the body will not prepare a sufficiently thick uterine lining, making implantation hard. Doctors normally prescribe progesterone supplements to women who have their eggs retrieved for in vitro fertilization. This is because some progesterone-producing cells get removed when harvesting the egg.

Fertility drugs are the most effective treatment for infertile women due to ovulation disorders. They work like the natural LH and FSH to stimulate ovulation. If you have been unsuccessfully trying to conceive for a long time, you should consider trying fertility drugs. The Center for Reproductive Medicine physicians is knowledgeable on the best fertility drugs depending on your preference, age, and infertile period. Call or schedule an appointment online with the Center for Reproductive Medicine in Orlando to find out the best fertility drugs for you.