The skin on your face may seem fresh and young. However, sagging skin around the jaw and neck may make you appear much older than you are. When you think of the signs of aging, do you think of your neck? Because of gravity, the skin and tissues of your neck begin showing the effects of time before your face does. A turkey wattle or horizontal skin folds on the neck are also possible consequences. The good news is that these indications of aging may be eliminated with a neck lift operation. A Scarsdale neck lift may help by removing extra skin when you have a drooping or slack neckline. One of its goals is to help people feel better about their appearance by improving the appearance of their necks. It has the potential to improve your anti-aging regimen significantly.

However, how do you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure? The following are some telltale signs:

Double chin

Gaining weight is sometimes linked to the appearance of the dreaded “double chin” or unsightly fullness beneath the chin. It is indeed a component, but genetics and becoming older also play a role in developing a double chin. People who inherit a short neck or a weak chin are predisposed to have a double chin even when their weight is average. Additionally, as we age, our skin begins to droop.

If your double chin is due to excess fat in the neck, liposuction may be the best option to get your neck back to its trim, young self. Thanks to the permanent elimination of excess fat, neck liposuction may help you achieve a more refined, youthful, and beautiful neckline. However, if your skin has lost its flexibility, a neck lift is the only option to correct the problem.

An unattractive jawline

Some people have a neck lift because they have never had a prominent jawline, even when they were younger. To get a more defined jawline, we may do a neck lift in conjunction with Structural fat grafting along the jawline or chin augmentation.

Other treatments are not working

Sometimes, no matter how often you get injectables or try non-invasive skin-tightening procedures, you still don’t appear as youthful as you feel. The only option is surgical excision when facial and neck skin sags beyond a certain point.

Excellent health condition

Patients between the ages of 30 and 70 who are in good mental and physical condition may get a neck lift. The ideal candidate is not a smoker and is willing to give up the habit before surgery. The advantages of neck lift surgery persist longer in younger individuals, although the results are more easily recognizable in older individuals.

Turkey Neck

Even your neck will eventually sag under the weight of time and lose its elasticity as collagen breaks down. Because of the deterioration of supporting muscles in the neck, the skin begins to droop—waddles, or the “turkey neck,” form in this way. A “turkey neck” may be fixed with a neck lift by removing extra skin and tightening the flabby neck muscles.

One of the pillars of facial rejuvenation is a neck lift, which involves repositioning muscles and re-draping extra skin. Research, careful planning, and selecting the proper plastic surgeon will provide the most desirable results from a neck lift: a soft, natural, and young appearance. Talk to a plastic surgeon who has completed additional training beyond what is required for general practice, and you will get a customized strategy for neck contouring.