Most people desire defined contours and a more toned appearance that may or may not be possible with exercise and dieting. The experts at Modern Wellness Clinic recommend body contouring Las Vegas to fine-tune your contours and achieve the desired look.

Reasons to consider body contouring

Body sculpting or body contouring is minimally invasive and improves your silhouette’s appearance by removing excess fat and tissue from the areas of concern. This procedure is not a weight-loss technique as it only results in the loss of a few pounds. An excellent way to lose weight is through regular exercise and dieting.

After attaining your desired weight, you can talk to your doctor about defining your contours to give you an attractive figure. Body contouring addresses the stubborn fat pockets resistant to exercise, allowing you to achieve your dream figure without losing more weight than necessary.

Surgical procedures can also eliminate excess skin to make it look firmer, young, and smoother. You can benefit from body contouring treatments if you have wrinkles or lose scars due to your aging process. It may not be possible to reverse the signs of aging, but it is possible to look younger, more attractive, and approachable with body contouring. Some of the areas these procedures can address include your arms, thighs, buttocks, love handles, back and stomach.

How should you prepare for body contouring?

During your first appointment at Modern Wellness Clinic, the team discusses your beauty goals, the medications and supplements you may be taking, and the use of any drugs. They may also review your health history to determine your eligibility for the surgery. The specialists may also educate you about the available body contouring options before recommending the safest and most effective option.

If you choose to go on with the treatment, your provider may give you a consent form to sign for legal purposes. This consent form shows that you understand the risks involved in the procedure and give permission to your specialist to operate. A few days before your procedure, you may need to skip specific medications like NSAIDs and aspirin to prevent complications.

What should you expect during body contouring?

Most plastic surgeons conduct cosmetic surgeries in an office, hospital, or surgical center. The procedure may take 4 minutes to several hours, depending on the size and location of the treatment site. Before surgery, your surgeon marks the problematic areas pre-operatively. The team then administers general or local anesthesia and disinfects the surgical area. They then make an incision to remove and reshape your tissue and fat to achieve your expectations. They may also tighten your core muscles to give you a toned appearance.

After the procedure, you may need to stay overnight for monitoring. Your doctor may also utilize surgical drains to drain excess blood or fluid that may accumulate at the treatment site.

To explore the dramatic results of body contouring, call the Modern Wellness Clinic or click on the booking tool today.